

Oceana Press Conference “Decarbonising the EU fisheries sector”

SAVE THE DATE INVITATION Oceana press conference: Decarbonising the EU fisheries sector What: In-person press conference. There will also be the possibility to attend via livestream, with interpretation available in French and Spanish When: Wednesday 1 February 2023 9:45-10:45 CET Where: The Press Club Brussels Europe, rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels Why: Several paths exist ...
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MCC Brussels Panel Discussion “Protectionism, reshoring and the challenge to globalisation”

Is Europe, and the world, heading for a return of protectionist rivalry, and is globalisation a thing of the past? REGISTER HERE 17.00 - 18:30, 8 February 2023, Press Club Brussels Experts and policymakers across the world are preparing themselves for an era where many of the assumptions of globalisation are being overturned. Biden’s America has signalled a turn to increasingly protection...
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Book Launch: Inside the Deal: How the EU Got Brexit Done’

UACES is delighted to invite you to join us at the Press Club Brussels Europe for an event looking at the Brexit deal from the EU's perspective. Stefaan de Rynck will be discussing his new book, 'Inside the Deal: How the EU got Brexit Done'. As a close aide to Michel Barnier, Stefaan De Rynck had a front row seat during the Brexit negotiations. In his frank and uncompromising new book, he gives...
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