Event 8th ECIT Annual Conference on European Citizenship

8th ECIT Annual Conference on European Citizenship

Date(s) - 31/10/2023
09:00 - 19:00

Press Club Brussels Europe



8th ECIT Annual Conference on European Citizenship

Dear Friends and Supporters of European Citizenship,

With just a fortnight to go, ECIT Foundation is pleased to invite you to our Annual Conference on European Citizenship.

The event, for which the latest programme is attached, will take place all day on Tuesday 31 October at the Brussels Press Club,

Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels.

In order to participate, we kindly ask you to fill in this form.

Your contribution

Our main proposal is to make use of the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Union Citizenship to make this event more of a brainstorming debate, involving you as an audience on the spot and online together with the speakers and the moderators. For this reason, we strongly encourage you not only to participate, but also to take an active part in our discussion. Because of the particular emphasis we would like to place on brainstorming and debate, it would be very encouraging if you could stay not just for one of our sessions but also take the opportunity to follow the conference as a whole.


Content and aims of the event
As a basis for debate, we have prepared a Draft Declaration, which is also attached here for ease. We hope that by the end of the day we can discuss, make changes and reach a reasonable level of consensus on this agenda for real action.

Finally, as you know we propose a Statute on European Citizenship because of the scattered nature of this transnational status and the need to bring its scattered elements of rights, participation and belonging together. This applies to people too! If you know of activists, students or policy makers who might like to join us for a day of debate, please let them know or circulate an invitation to your network.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to what should be an extremely interesting event.

Best regards,

Tony Venables– ECIT Founder

Caterina Cammilleri– ECIT Advocacy & Events Intern

ECIT Foundation

Rue de la Loi 26
1000 Brussels

Transparency register’s ID public number: 040138431117-64

