Date(s) - 12/06/2023
14:30 - 18:30
Press Club Brussels Europe
The VIVALDI consortium will hold the “Turning CO2 into Long Chain Organic Acids with Biological Systems”
workshop on June 12, from 3-5 pm at the Press Club Brussels Europe (Rue Froissart 95, Bruxelles).
In response to the ongoing climate crisis and the increasing need for renewable resources, the recycling of CO2 into a feedstock is becoming an interesting solution. CO2 can in fact be captured and transformed into raw material, contributing to a decrease in industries’ carbon emissions and their dependency on fossil imports.
The VIVALDI workshop will analyse the current state of the art of three different technologies for turning CO2 into valuable chemicals using biological processes:
🟢 Dr. Ludovic Jourdin (TU Delft) will show the fundamentals and latest outcomes of microbial electrosynthesis, an emerging Power-to-X technology for the conversion of CO2 into valuable chemicals.
🟢 Dr. Ramon Ganigué (CMET) will show the latest breakthroughs and the industrial opportunities of the bioconversion of C1 molecules into larger molecules.
🟢 Finally, Dr. Falk Harnisch (UFZ) will discuss the VIVALDI solution of integrating electrochemistry and microbiology for the production of added-value organic acids from CO2.
After the presentations, the audience and the presenters will compare and discuss the perspectives of the three technologies in a participative Q&A session.
Please register online here.
CO2 Value Europe is a proud member of the VIVALDI consortium by leading its communication and dissemination activities and contributing to the development of recommendations for regulatory measures that support the deployment of CCU.