Event Press Conference: Launch of the Euro-Palestinian antiapartheid campaign

Press Conference: Launch of the Euro-Palestinian antiapartheid campaign

Date(s) - 16/04/2024
15:00 - 16:30

Press Club Brussels Europe


Invitation to a Press Conference

by the European Palestinian Initiative Against Apartheid (EPIA)

Launch of the Euro-Palestinian antiapartheid campaign

Tuesday , April 16, 2024, at 15:00 PM
Press Club Brussels Europe
Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgique

The Euro-Palestinian Antiapartheid campaign is pleased to invite you to a press conference to reveal the conclusions of its first meeting that took place on Saturday 13 April 2024 in Brussels. the press conference will discuss the strategic goals of the campaign and the preparations for the first European anti apartheid congress.

Participants in the press conference:

  1. Mr. Ramzi Rabah – Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine
    Liberation Organization and Head of the Anti-Discrimination and Apartheid
    department at the PLO.
  2. Jan Fermon – Head of the Initiative and the International Association of
    Democratic Lawyers.
  3. Pierre Galland – Former Member of the Belgian Parliament and member of
    the anti apartheid campaign.
  4. George Rishmawi – President of the Union of Palestinian Communities in
    Europe, member of the anti apartheid campaign

Looking forward for your active participation.

Registration : secretary@pressclub.be
