Event Panel Discussion: Europe after the EU Elections

Panel Discussion: Europe after the EU Elections

Date(s) - 28/05/2024
14:30 - 17:30

Press Club Brussels Europe


What are the challenges facing the European Union over the next five years -and will the European Parliament be fit to face those challenges after the elections next month?

Will the European Parliament have any relevance regarding EU -USA, EU -Russia or EU-China relations?

How important a role will MEPs have, or will the Commission and Council continue to call the shots when the big decisions are taken?

Former MEP and Irish Minister for Europe Dick Roche fears the European Parliament is losing relevance and has firm views on what should be done about it.

Often controversial and always entertaining, Dick will be in conversation with Nick Powell. Political Editor of EU Reporter.

Join them for a fascinating look at the shape of things to come, followed by a networking cocktail.

Tuesday 28th May

2.30pm – 4.00pm:  Debate

4.00pm – 5.30pm:  Networking Cocktail

Press Club Brussels,

Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels




