Films from 1995, 1985, 1975, 1965 to be honored
Selected for their enduring popularity and continued relevance to popular culture, many of the nominees were ignored by the major awards committees when they were first released, including :
1995’s Before Sunrise and Clueless; 1985’s Back to the Future and The Breakfast Club; and 1975’s Monty Python and the Holy Grail and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (See appendix for full list of nominees.)
About the Vintage Film Awards
Every year, the established awards shows tell us what we should watch – but, given the benefit of hindsight, what do we want to watch?
Looking back in time, the 1st annual Vintage Film Awards honors the films from 20, 30, 40, and 50 years ago that, decades later, are still watched and appreciated.
Founded in 2015, the VFA’s mission is to give recognition to films with continuing impact on society – many of which were ignored by the major awards committees when they were first released.
Each year, awards will be given to films released 20, 30, 40 and 50 years ago.
At VintageFilmAwards.com, voting was open to the public until April 17th.
Selection Process
- Shortlists of 10 films from each year were determined by many factors, including:
- Enduring popularity. How often is the film still discussed, quoted, and shown on television or in theatres? How many have liked it, rated it, and commented about it on social media?
- Sales. Are people still paying to watch this film (on DVD, via streaming, in theatres)?
- Trends. Has a limited-release film developed a cult following over the years? Are young people aware of the film?
- 2. Voting on com narrowed each shortlist to five final nominees.
- Winners are determined by conducting opinion polls of 1 200 adults in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada.
Among the shortlisted films from 1995, 1985, 1975 and 1965, three were directed by Terry Gilliam: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), Brazil (1985) and 12 Monkeys (1995). Two were directed by Steven Spielberg: Jaws (1975) and The Color Purple (1985).
The 2nd Annual Vintage Film Awards, honoring the films of 1996, 1986, 1976 and 1966, will be held in January 2017 in Los Angeles.