On the Tuesday 14 June, the International Labour Organization and Eurofound organised a high level conference on the challenges to promote collective bargaining at the national level Nicolas Schmit, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Collective bargaining and wider social dialogue have played an essential role in responding effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and social crisis which ensued. However, the decline in coverage of collective bargaining over recent decades in the context of structural and labour market change has created even greater challenges for collective interest representation.
Taking place against the backdrop of the European Commission’s initiative on strengthening social dialogue in the EU and a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the role of social dialogue at national level, the event will be an opportunity for experts from Eurofound and the ILO to share their research findings and explore, with a panel of key European social partners, the critical issues at the core of promoting robust and lasting collective bargaining across the EU.