On the 15th of March, Eu Asia Center organised a panel-discusion on “The future of trade Policy in Asia under Trump”
Background : As President Trump withdraws the US from the TPP, seen by Obama as the centre of the US pivot to Asia, what does this mean for trade policy in Asia? Is there an opportunity for the EU to play a leadership role? Could the TPP be saved under Japan-Australia leadership? Could China now dominate the trade scene with RCEP? What are the prospects for the Asia-Pacific FTA (FTAAP) idea? What is the future for bilateral relationships, whether the US or EU with Japan, China, and the countries of SE Asia? Can the EU-Japan FTA be completed in the coming months?
1700 – Welcome by Fraser Cameron, Director of the EU-Asia Centre
1710 – Panel with
Professor Yorizumi Watanabe, Keio University, former senior Japanese diplomat and expert in EU-Japan relations
Jon Nyman, Cabinet, Commissioner Malmström
Iana Dreyer, Chief Editor, Borderlex (trade expert)
Arthur Beesley FT correspondent, Brussels (tbc)