On Tuesday 7 June, the Odysseus Academic Network organised a debate on :
« Resuscitating Dublin:
A sustainable reform of asylum policy? »
After the Convention in 1997, the 2nd and 3rd regulations in 2003 and 2013, we will soon be seeing the fourth incarnation of Dublin! On 4 May, the Commission presented its proposal for a reform of the “Dublin” system determining the Member State responsible for asylum claims in the EU. This proposal has been anticipated since the refugee crisis, as controversies have arisen surrounding the relocation mechanism from Greece and Italy.
Dublin has previously been declared dead, on the basis of widespread dysfunctions and recently its inability to contain the wave-through approach seen along the Balkan route. But now, it has been promised a new life!
In view of the debates in the Council and the Parliament, the speakers will address the following issues relating to the new proposal:
- Will it enable the Dublin system to function more efficiently in practice?
- Will the “corrective allocation mechanism” ensure a fair distribution of asylum seekers between Member States?
- Does it respect the fundamental rights of asylum seekers?
- Would it help the EU to face another “refugee crisis”, in particular by curbing secondary movements?
Speakers :
- Jaana Temmler, Policy Officer in the Asylum Unit of DG Migration and Home Affairs (European Commission);
- Nina Secikova, Justice & Home Affairs Counselor at the Permanent Representation of Slovakia (future Presidency)
- Constantin Hruschka, Lecturer at the University of Bielefeld, author of “Dublin is Dead! Long live Dublin!”;
- Marcello Di Filippo, Associate Professor at the University of Pisa, author of “The Reform of the Dublin System and the First (Half) Move of the Commission”;
Information about the Odysseus Network is available at odysseus-network.eu. The 16th edition of the Summer School on EU Migration & Asylum Law & Policy held from 4 to 15th July
at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) will provide a further opportunity for analysis of the entire reform of the Common European Asylum System.