AIRE: The Single European Sky must become a reality for the sake of the travelling public, the environment and the political credibility of the EU
Tomorrow, the Commission and the Finnish Presidency of the EU are gathering more than 300 participants to give another push towards the long overdue implementation of a true Single European Sky (SES).
AIRE welcomes this initiative and the joint declaration that 21 EU aviation and workers’ associations will sign committing to a set of concrete actions to finally and fully implement the vision of a Single European Sky.
The stakes are huge. Accommodating the air traffic growth is of paramount importance for the European economy but inefficiencies in terms of number of air traffic controllers, obsolete technology and fragmentation of the ATM system are causing flight delays that cost airlines 1.7BN€2009 in 2018.
This amount does not take into account the impact of these inefficiencies on the environment due to longer flights, on the economy nor on the inconvenience for the passengers.
Sylviane Lust, Director General AIRE stated: “We praise this joint initiative and insist on the urgent need for EU Member States to remedy the situation. The lack of implementation of the Single European Sky is unsustainable for the travelling public and for the environment.
A constructive dialogue with regulators and stakeholders is always very welcome but the political will to find a solution is long overdue. Airlines are put in the intolerable position of having to pay for services not delivered. This has to stop