AnimalhealthEurope Press Release
Antibiotic stewardship actions take effect across Europe for animal health
Brussels, 12 November 2018; A strong advocate for responsible use of antibiotics in animals, AnimalhealthEurope is pleased to see the positive outcome of antibiotic stewardship actions taking effect across Europe.
During the course of 2018 AnimalhealthEurope surveyed its membership of both national associations and company members to get a clear picture of specific actions being taken at national and European level to promote responsible use of antibiotics and safeguard their future efficacy. An overview of these actions can be accessed via the association’s newly launched webpage: Health for Future Generations.
“As antibiotics are a precious resource for protecting our health and that of our animals, the industry has been active for a number of years now raising awareness and working with vets and farmers to ensure good antibiotic stewardship. We are seeing the very positive effects of these actions in our exchanges with stakeholders, and the more measurable consequences of greater awareness and improved practices to prevent animal illnesses are being demonstrated in recent reporting on antibiotic use,” said Roxane Feller, AnimalhealthEurope Secretary General.
AnimalhealthEurope’s membership across Europe have developed a number of tools and initiatives as part of this antibiotic stewardship to: provide guidance on responsible use; offer training for improving animal health; raise awareness on antibiotic resistance; and invest in the development of innovative products for preventing, diagnosing and treating animal diseases. The association also encourages sustained One Health dialogue with all parties involved in the challenge of antibiotic resistance, and advocates a maximised use of data collected to improve understanding and provide evidence-based insights for policy-making on addressing antibiotic resistance.
“AnimalhealthEurope will continue to be a strong advocate for the responsible use of antibiotics and will encourage further antibiotic stewardship actions to preserve their effectiveness for future generations. We hope that by sharing these best practice actions implemented in the different countries, other stakeholders and other countries can see this a good source for actionable ideas for improving health care practices. We would encourage everyone to join the animal health sector in taking up the position that antibiotics should only be used ‘as little as possible as much as necessary’, and to act on that principle.” concluded Ms. Feller.
Visit our Health for Future Generations webpage for an overview of our actions across Europe.
For further information please contact: Clare Carlisle, Communications Manager, – +32 474 388711
Notes for Editors:
- World Antibiotic Awareness Week (12-18 November 2018) aims to increase global awareness of antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.
- AnimalhealthEurope is the representative body of manufacturers of veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products in Europe. It represents innovators and generics alike, as well as large, medium-sized and small companies. AnimalhealthEurope promotes a single market in veterinary medicines across the EU ensuring the availability of medicines to protect the health and welfare of animals.