Press Releases AnimalhealthEurope welcomes final adoption of new EU rules for animal medicines

AnimalhealthEurope welcomes final adoption of new EU rules for animal medicines

AnimalhealthEurope Press Statement

Brussels, 26 November 2018: AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the EU Council’s formal adoption today of the new EU rules for animal medicines and encourages a timely and science-based implementation of the new regulations on veterinary medicines and medicated feed to strengthen the EU’s position as a leader in animal health innovation.

“A pragmatic implementation of the new EU legislation for the animal health sector can provide the incentives to develop innovative and much-needed medicines that safeguard not only animal but also human health, while respecting our shared environment. We now look to the institutions to support the scientific advice of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), as they determine which veterinary medicines should be available and what conditions should be placed on their use,” commented Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope.

“As is currently the case, the routine use of antibiotics to compensate poor hygiene, inadequate husbandry, care or management is not allowed, and the ban on using antibiotics for growth promotion which came into force in 2006 is upheld. We support these measures and welcome additional rules to further improve responsible use of antibiotics in animal health,” continued Ms. Feller.

In a concluding comment, Ms. Feller added, “We would strongly encourage investment support at national and European level into innovative research to develop new generations of solutions to diagnose, prevent and treat animal diseases. Innovation, hand-in-hand with a more responsible use of current products, can collectively aim to extend both the usefulness and the benefits of our solutions for future generations.”

The Council and the European Parliament will now sign the adopted regulations and these texts will be published in the EU Official Journal, with an entry into force 20 days later. The new rules will only be fully operational as of end of 2021.


For further information please contact: Clare Carlisle, Public Relations Manager, – +32 474 388711

Note for Editors:

AnimalhealthEurope is the representative body of manufacturers of veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products in Europe. It represents innovators and generics alike, as well as large, medium-sized and small companies. AnimalhealthEurope promotes a single market in veterinary medicines across the EU ensuring the availability of medicines to protect the health and welfare of animals.

Clare Carlisle

Communications Manager

AnimalhealthEurope a.i.s.b.l.

Avenue de Tervueren 168, box 8

1150 Brussels, Belgium

T : +32 2 543 75 88

M :+32 474 388 711

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