Press Releases Belgium and Italy sign MoU to structure and deepen bilateral relations

Belgium and Italy sign MoU to structure and deepen bilateral relations

Belgium and Italy sign MoU to structure and deepen bilateral relations

The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Enzo Moavero Milanesi and Didier Reynders, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense of Belgium, signed this morning a Memorandum of Understanding which structures and deepens the already excellent bilateral relations between the two countries. The signature took place in the Egmont Palace in Brussels.

The Memorandum of Understanding brings new dynamics in the bilateral relationship between Italy and Belgium. It puts in place, for the first time, a structure and work methodology in order to facilitate exchanges and provides for more regular meetings. The MoU foresees periodical meetings between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and regular quarterly consultations between the administrations of our two countries.

Announced on August 8 on the occasion of a bilateral meeting between Ministers Moavero Milanesi and Didier Reynders, the Memorandum lays the basis for comprehensive exchanges between Italy and Belgium on a wide range of subjects related to bilateral relations and regarding European and multilateral topics of common interest. It foresees in this respect coordination within international fora and the possibility to take common actions.

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