Press Releases Better protection for European workers, not least in the sharing economy

Better protection for European workers, not least in the sharing economy

Better protection for European workers, not least in the sharing economy

“Recent years have been marked by a rise in new forms of jobs, especially in online platforms (Uber, Amazon…), which has led to a growing number of non-standard employment relationships (such as part-time, temporary and on-demand work). These can bring many advantages to both workers and businesses. Nevertheless, it was absolutely necessary to adapt the existing legislation to guarantee all Europeans clear, transparent and predictable working conditions”, said Dennis Radtke MEP, EPP Group Chief Negotiator, following the adoption of the trilogue agreement on the dossier in the European Parliament’s Employment Committee.

The text updates the current rights of workers to receive information on their employment contract provisions (such as starting date, remuneration, notice period…), especially by setting up shorter deadlines (between 1 and 7 days) for employers to provide such documents. “Moreover, we have fought to give workers clearer indications of remuneration components and the right to receive mandatory, cost-free training”, said Radtke.

“Fighting abuse by setting up new minimum standards, especially for on-demand contracts, has also been a key priority for the EPP Group. For example, people with variable working schedules determined by the employer will now be able to figure out in advance when they can be requested to be present. Of course, the worker will be allowed to refuse a mission assignment and will be protected from any adverse consequences of such a refusal”, he explained.

“Moreover, he/she will have the right to be compensated if an employer cancels a job assignment after a specific deadline. It is a real step forward towards improving living and working conditions”, he added.

As a new element, the updated Directive is also setting up clear limitations to the probation period (6 months) in the case of fixed-term workers and it gives them the right to ask for a more secure job and receive a written reply from the employer.

“Up to three million people active in new forms of work will now be covered, which hasn’t been the case until now. The EU delivers on tangible subjects and this text, which is a key element of the European Pillar of Social Rights, is a perfect example”, concluded Radtke.

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