We are making REACH work
REACH is the largest environmental regulation produced by the European Union, and companies are continuing to work hard on its implementation. By submitting more than 90,000 registrations for almost 22,000 substances since the beginning of REACH, the chemical industry has directly contributed to the development of the most comprehensive database on chemicals in the world.
No other region in the world is following Europe in this respect or comes even close to the amount of work done. The task at hand for both large and small companies is enormous, especially as lack of enforcement allows foreign competitors to freely compete on the European market without the same efforts.
Says Marco Mensink, Director General at Cefic: The European chemical industry is making REACH work, already today. We take ECHA’s findings that the quality of data in a number of REACH dossiers needs improvement seriously, and we will be fully transparent about our actions to remedy the situation where it is appropriate. The industry is already actively working with ECHA and the European Commission to identify those areas where improvements are needed.
Adding: ‘The issues raised by the Bund report are not new as all involved are already working on this issue. This type of messaging is not helpful at all, nor is the individual naming and shaming of companies who are working hard to effectively and efficiently address REACH dossiers in line with the latest methodologies, guidance and better use of alternative strategies to minimise testing on animals’