Press Releases Disparity Film exposes the truth behind the $150bn Foreign Aid industry & shows a major solution to connect citizens to charities in a brand new way

Disparity Film exposes the truth behind the $150bn Foreign Aid industry & shows a major solution to connect citizens to charities in a brand new way

Disparity Film exposes the truth behind the $150bn Foreign Aid industry & shows a major solution to connect citizens to charities in a brand new way

As people across the world are increasingly taking to the streets to protest in the name of inequality Disparity Film, featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and narration by Sir Ben Kingsley is a long overdue reckoning to help reverse the appalling gap between the rich and the poor.

Disparity film examines two fixable problems. 1) Contradictions in Country Aid policy whereby almost 20% of Aid is given to recipient countries in order to get trade and influence in return, so Aid is tied to advance the Donor’s own economic and political interests. It’s what the filmmaker Renu Mehta calls ‘Fake Aid’.

2) Bureaucratic layers that encroach on charity funds; only 11.6% of global aid budgets is delivered ‘to & through’ i.e. channelled through other organisations before reaching frontline charities frontline organisations this includes an estimated 2-3% of direct funding to international charities/NGOs.

So how do we unlock aid to scale up the work of frontline organisations? – The film features solutions.

One featured is the $100b MM Aid Model; a proven, working and scalable Model that is actively transforming aid policies to deliver more aid more directly through frontline organisations. The MM Model was devised by Nobel Laureate Economist Sir James Mirrlees and Renu Mehta, has already positively influenced UK Aid Policy and impacted over 100m lives (see addendum). The Real Aid Campaign, co-chaired by HE Jose Ramos Horta, Nobel Peace Laureate sets out to connect citizens to charities in a brand new way so they can influence policy to unlock the macro money needed to scale up the work of charities working on the ground

Disparity Film is now available on the Tiger Tim media Youtube channel, to enable as many people as possible to watch & share the film– so united, they can be informed and empowered to take on these entrenched vested interests. People can take action by signing the Real Aid petition advancing the MM Aid Model to demand the clean-up of Foreign aid and to double its funding for global charities.

The initiative is backed by 16 Nobel laureates, UN Ambassadors and cultural icons and social media stars led by Michael Douglas, Stephen Fry and Deepak Chopra.

Mehta said ‘Giving to global charities is great but it’s not enough, if people want to fix the structural problems of rampant inequality and poverty that ravage more than half the world’s populations people

we need to fix how the majority of Foreign aid is spent and that means fixing government aid, people can do that by watching Disparity film and taking action. People can Take The Tiger Tim Challenge ‘To Swap 2 hours of Entertainment to make a stand for Equality’. To ditch the addictive box sets, reality tv shows and gaming consoles to watch Disparity Film – a big picture awakening that examines how Governments spend our taxpayers’ money. People can nominate someone they know or a celebrity on social media to take the same challenge. Citizens are key to this aid transformation.’

Ultimately, the Film shows that Poverty isn’t inevitable. That the taxpayer is directly connected to charities beyond their private giving and that they have the power to influence systematic change of Government Aid policy in order to boost the work of their favourite charities, to help change the destinies of those trapped in poverty.

Disparity can be viewed on this link

WATCH Disparity Trailer now


CONTACTS & ADDENDUM; Disparity Film, Real Aid Campaign & MM Aid Model information

For interview requests with Real Campaign Founder Renu Mehta and HE Jose Ramos Horta or any comments:

Paul Hetherington, Real Aid Rapporteur, Email + 44 207 791 1717, + 44 7732158128 (mobile)

‘Real Aid’ is a global campaign to advance the MM Aid Model; a proven, working and scalable Model to improve the quality of, and increase the quantity of international development aid. Pioneered by Nobel Laureate Economist Sir James Mirrlees and Fortune Forum charity founder Renu Mehta the MM Model has the potential to unleash $100bn of REAL AID annually when taken up by the richer target nations.

The UK Government led the way in adopting and adapting the MM Aid Model’s core ideas delivering over $300m of Real Aid funds via their flagship UK Aid Match to ‘on the ground’ organisations, improving over 100m lives around the globe.

The MM Aid Model uses three multipliers:

Firstly, Double aid Inputs by matching – Governments use existing Aid budgets to match fund private donations. At least 10% of aid budgets should be allocated for matching charity appeals. This would more than DOUBLE our Government Aid to overseas charities.

Secondly, Clean up Aid – Aid should serve the poor, not tied to serve donor, trade and political interests. Corruption, fraud, waste and high administration costs must be reduced.

Above all, Accountable Outputs – Donors expect money to be spent effectively – Aid should be properly evaluated, and fully accountable to the public. Aid should be delivered to the best performing projects through a transparent and competitive process.

So, Private donors will see contributions doubled by their government, be confident their money is put to the best possible use and see tangible results their contribution is making. We call it Real Aid.

Disparity Film features comments and interviews with-

Prof. Abhijit Banerjee, Nobel Laureate for Economics, Prof. Noam Chomsky, Prof. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT, Sir Paul Collier, The University of Oxford, Amir Dossal, Former UNOP Director, Global Partnerships Forum Chair, Dr. Ian Goldin, Prof. of Globalisation and Development, Oxford University, Dr. José Ramos-Horta, Nobel Peace Laureate, Dr. Mo Ibrahim, Tech Billionaire & Philanthropist, Tawakkol Karman, Nobel Peace laureate, Kerry Kennedy, President, Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Activists, Sir Ben Kingsley, Oscar winning Actor (Narration), FW de Klerk, Nobel Peace Laureate, Philippe Leruth, Former President, International Federation of Journalists, Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel Laureate for Economics, Jan Pronk, Former Minister for Development, The Netherlands, Prof. Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Peace Laureate, Prof. Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate for Economics, Salil Shetty, Former Amnesty International, Secretary General, Prof. Peter Singer, Moral philosopher, Princeton University, Dame Stephanie Shirley, UK Founding Ambassador for Philanthropy, Clare Short, Former UK Secretary of State for International Development, Hernando de Soto, Economist, Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Dr. Danny Sriskandarajah, CIVICUS, Former Secretary General, Prof. Lord Stern, London School of Economics, Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate for Economics, Ruby Wax, Comedian & Mental Health Campaigner, Dame Vivienne Westwood, Fashion Designer & Activist, Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace laureate.

About Fortune Forum
Fortune Forum, convenes the world’s wealthiest philanthropists, influential entrepreneurs, global leaders, celebrity activists and change makers to collectively innovate responses to global issues of poverty, climate change and diseases. We are delighted to present our landmark 10th year brochure which highlights our main achievements:-

Assisted around 100 charities’ work on the ground
Advocacy on global issues reaching over
1 billion people
Devised alongside Nobel Laureate Sir James Mirrlees
$100bn MM Aid Model
Informed UK Aid Policy which has helped to generate over
£250m of charity funding
Which has Positively impacted over
100 million lives across the globe via our policy ideas
Delivered to MM Aid Model founding supporters an extraordinary
10,000% ROI Social Impact
in the making of Disparity Documentary Film for upcoming Real Aid Campaign global outreach

Fortune Forum previous speakers include; Former US President Bill Clinton, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Former Prime Ministers Tony Blair & Gordon Brown. Nobel Peace Laureates;  Former Vice President Al Gore & Former President F W de Klerk, Nobel Laureate Economists; Prof. Amartya Sen & Sir James Mirrlees, Philanthropists; Ted Turner, George Soros,  Dr. Michael Otto & Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Cultural Icons and Activists; Paulo Coelho, Michael Douglas, Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens), Deepak Chopra, Sir Ben Kingsley, Boris Johnson, Jimmy Wales, Rowan Atkinson, Sir Bob Geldof, Annie Lennox, Dame Vivienne Westwood, Dame Stephanie Shirley, Johan Eliasch, Ruby Wax, Caroline Lucas, Carol Vorderman, Milla Jovovich, Petra Nemcova Joss Stone, Daryl Hannah, Lily Cole, Jerry Hall and David de Rothschild.

We encourage you to visit our website to view our full objectives and outcomes

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