Press Releases EBA (European Biogas Association): New paper shows high potential of biogas production from industrial wastewater

EBA (European Biogas Association): New paper shows high potential of biogas production from industrial wastewater

The EBA is launching today a new paper providing a comprehensive analysis of the potential of biogas production from industrial wastewater to reduce methane emissions.

The paper demonstrates that it is possible to recover around 14 Mtoe (142 TWh) of biogas per year by valorising industrial wastewater. Waste streams are an excellent feedstock for sustainable biogas production in line with circular economy principles.

The full version is accessible via this link:

We would be happy to provide further details in case you find this information interesting for your publication. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Best regards,


Angela Sainz Arnau I Communications Manager 

European Biogas Association 

Renewable Energy House – Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B-1040 Brussels (Belgium)

+32 (0)2 400 10 89 I

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