Press Releases EBA welcomes the European Commission proposal for an EU Recovery Plan

EBA welcomes the European Commission proposal for an EU Recovery Plan

The proposal includes crucial support for the biogas industry. Please find below some highlights on the EBA reactions to this initiative and the link to the press release with further details on the impact of the proposal for our sector.

  • Our industry is already producing 171TWh of biogas and 19 TWh of biomethane. By 2030, the sector could double the production to 370 TWh and reach 1,170 TWh by 2050. Political support will be essential to maximise the deployment of renewable gas and ensure a smart sector integration.
  • Clean and smart mobility must be technology-neutral and consider the most efficient paths to reduce emissions and pollutants, including life cycle assessments for vehicles.
  • Sequential cropping is an efficient and sustainable technique to reduce the carbon footprint in increase biodiversity in the farming sector while generating renewable energy.
  • Hybrid systems, such as those using heat pumps and gas, are an efficient and cost-effective route to decarbonising heat.


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