Press Releases EEAS: Lebanon: Statement by the Spokesperson on the government formation process

EEAS: Lebanon: Statement by the Spokesperson on the government formation process

Following the nomination of Saad Hariri as Prime Minister-designate, the European Union reiterates the need for the swift formation of a credible and accountable government in Lebanon.

We call on Lebanon’s decision-makers to cooperate in meeting the legitimate aspirations expressed by the Lebanese people and addressing the serious challenges Lebanon is facing.

The European Union considers the implementation of economic and political reforms in Lebanon of utmost importance. We recall Lebanon’s prior commitments to a roadmap of reforms, which enjoys the support of the International Support Group and other members of the international community. As highlighted consistently by High Representative/Vice-President Borrell, the European Union considers the resumption of effective talks aiming at an agreement with the International Monetary Fund a key priority.
The European Union recalls the importance for Lebanon’s leaders to work closely with civil society in implementing reform steps.

The European Union reaffirms its continuous strong support for Lebanon and its people, for its stability, security, territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence.

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