Press Releases EEAS: Statement by High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell on the 25th anniversary of Liechtenstein’s accession to the European Economic Area

EEAS: Statement by High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell on the 25th anniversary of Liechtenstein’s accession to the European Economic Area

On 1 May 2020, Liechtenstein marked the 25th anniversary of its accession to the European Economic Area (EEA), which unites the EU Member States and the three EEA European Free Trade Association States of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, in an Internal Market governed by the same basic rules.

European Union has excellent cooperation with Liechtenstein in the areas covered by the EEA and Schengen Agreements. We share the same interests and values, which translates into common priorities and constructive cooperation on foreign policy issues. The cooperation between the European Union and Liechtenstein within the EEA, in particular, has been a true success story, that we are proud to celebrate together. Liechtenstein has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the EEA, including through leading the way in the timely transposition of Internal Market rules. The EEA has been mutually beneficial for all our citizens, through their right to exercise the four freedoms: of goods, persons, services and capital. It has delivered tangible benefits to our citizens from education, climate change, employment and social policy, to public health, and environment, and has opened up new opportunities and means of cooperation for Liechtenstein and the EU.

The European Union remains firmly committed to the EEA agreement. As discussed at the informal meeting of the members of the EEA Council this Monday, the EEA agreement ensures protection and stability of our societies also in times of unprecedented challenges, such as now, when we are jointly prioritising the health of our citizens and the socio-economic recovery of Europe. We look forward to many more years of close cooperation between the EU and Liechtenstein

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