Press Releases EPP Group: No-one should teach discrimination to children

EPP Group: No-one should teach discrimination to children

EU Member States must not stand by idly when the rule of law continues to be dismantled by the Polish and Hungarian Governments.

“Enough is enough. Where the rule of law and citizens’ rights are under serious threat and warnings are not heeded, action must follow. The EU must stand up for Poland and Hungary, for the rule of law, for citizens’ rights and protect Poles and Hungarians from those who want to abuse them and that means EU Member States finally taking decisive action”, said Jeroen Lenaers MEP, EPP Group Spokesman for Civil Liberties, and Andrzej Halicki MEP, Head of the Polish Delegation of the EPP Group and Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee.

Their comments come ahead of today’s European Parliament key debate on breaches of the rule of law and fundamental rights in Poland and Hungary.

“The fact that Poland is again being debated in the European Parliament shows that Europe is fed up with the breaches of the law committed by Kaczynski and Ziobro in Poland. The system of a parallel judiciary that they have put in place has nothing to do with real justice. The parallel media system they have put in place has nothing to do with the facts. Finally, the propaganda they want to teach our kids will not cover up the reality. The pro-Putin international alliance tied recently by the PiS and 15 other parties is the most recent and emblematic illustration of the falsehood of Mr Kaczynski and of his system. This is the last alarm bell for Poland and Hungary”, said Halicki.

“The EPP Group stands for a Europe of freedom and tolerance. These values are the basis of our European way of life. We want a European Union where everyone is free to be who they want to be and free to love who they wish to love. Parents do have the right to decide on the education of their children, but the liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins. No-one should teach discrimination to children”, said Lenaers.

“While we welcome that the Council has held its first hearing on Article 7 on Hungary and Poland since 2019, talking is not enough. Since the triggering of Article 7, the situation of the rule of law and fundamental rights in both Poland and Hungary has continued to deteriorate. It is high time for the EU Member States to stand up and take action”, the MEPs concluded.

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