This morning, the EPP Group in the European Parliament confirmed its commitment to the 2019 agreement between political groups in the European Parliament that the President of the Parliament in the 2nd half of the term should come from the ranks of the EPP Group. At the same time, the EPP Group today launched an internal procedure to select its candidate.
See the full text of the Resolution adopted by the EPP Group this morning below:
8 September 2021
- Having regard to the political agreement that was reached between the EPP, S&D and Renew Groups on 3 July 2019, following the last European Parliament elections;
- Having regard to the clear commitment contained in that agreement, notably that the said Groups “commit to elect the S&D Group candidate for President of the European Parliament in the first half of the legislature term and the EPP Group candidate for President of the European Parliament in the second half of the legislature term”;
- Having regard to the spirit of loyal cooperation with which this agreement was honoured for the first half of the legislature term;
- Having regard that, in terms with the said agreement, it is for the respective Group to determine its own candidate for the post of President of the European Parliament;
- The EPP Group recalls that at the last European Parliament elections, citizens across Europe entrusted us with a particular responsibility as the first political force, and that the European Parliament shall remain the place where citizens’ voices are heard, and respect for all political forces is ensured for a fair and lively European democracy;
- The EPP Group reiterates its commitment to the agreement entered into by the EPP, S&D and Renew Groups on 3 July 2019 and calls on the other Political Groups to honour it in the same spirit of loyal cooperation with which it was honoured for the first half of the legislature;
- The EPP Group decides to embark on its own internal process to designate its candidate for the post of President of the European Parliament and undertakes to complete this nomination process at the latest in November 2021.”