Press Releases EU-Horizon 2020 project LabelPack A+ starts campaign to inform about efficient heating systems

EU-Horizon 2020 project LabelPack A+ starts campaign to inform about efficient heating systems

EU-Horizon 2020 project LabelPack A+ starts campaign to inform about efficient heating systems

May 2nd, 2018 – Brussels/Berlin: Many European energy consumers receive their heating bills for 2017 in the next weeks! This can be an awakening, reminding that Summer is the right time to prevent emergencies in the heating system during winter.

The long winter in 2017 in many European countries and slowly increasing energy prices for oil and gas in the end of the year could be a costly awakening. Today, consumers can already benefit from modern, renewable and efficient heating systems, which allow savings in the heating bills, while being better for the environment.

European consumers often change their heating system urgently, when it breaks, which happens mostly during winter, when it is most needed. In these conditions, it is difficult for them to take the time to choose between the many alternatives that can be adapted to their needs, using renewable energy sources and efficient technologies. When such urgent replacements happen, it commonly means a lost opportunity. They could save money and energy and hedge against rising energy costs on the long run by replacing their old, inefficient heating system with a new, much better one.

Spring is the ideal time to thoroughly collect information and compare new heating systems, once the old one is becoming too costly. In summer and autumn, these can easily be replaced without lacking the comfort of a heated home at the start of a heating period.

The European energy efficiency label for heating systems and water heaters supports the consumer to find an efficient and environmentally friendly heating device.

In order to promote the exchange of old, inefficient heating systems the EU-Horizon2020 funded project LabelPackA+, headed by Solar Heat Europe, will launch information and promotion campaign named “’#CheckYourHeating”. “The campaign, which runs from May to mid-June is directed at home owners that consider exchanging of their old heating systems or water heaters.” Says Pedro Dias, General Secretary of Solar Heat Europe.  “Though its introduction has been mandatory in all EU countries since autumn 2015, we have found that customers are rarely aware of the Energy Label for new heating systems. They hardly consider it in their decision process when purchasing a new heater,” adds Dias.

The label informs about energy-efficient heating devices with the well-known colourful energy scales from “G” to “A+++”. Only highly efficient devices or systems incorporating renewable energies can yield “A+” or higher. “Since there is little demand by the end consumer, only very few installers use the label in their marketing for energy-efficient heating systems,” says David Wedepohl, Managing Director of the German Solar Association. “With the campaign, we want to raise the awareness for high efficiency solutions including solar thermal. We have produced several films in the project to inform on the label in an entertaining way.” Wedepohl continues.

The campaign that takes place in seven countries will be accompanied by a “selfie challenge” that targets installers and consumers! Installers who send in a selfie with the heating label or newly installed heating systems including the label with renewable energies can win one valuable photo drone to even take better “selfies”. Other prizes include “Power House Kits” for children as well as free entrance tickets for “Intersolar Europe Trade Show”, which will take place from 20 to 22 June in Munich, Germany, for the first 100 participants. The selfies can be posted via Twitter #LabelPackAPlus or #CheckYourHeating or via Facebook, etc.  – the winners will be selected based on the most likes or retweets.

Information for editors:

LabelPack A+ 

LabelPack A+ is a project promoted by the EU Commission, within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program, for the introduction of energy efficiency labelling for heating systems, water heaters and combined systems. It is being implemented in six European countries by eleven participating organisations.

More information about the Check your heating campaign:

Solar Heat Europe

Solar Heat Europe’s mission is to achieve high priority and acceptance for solar heat as a key element for sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and to work for the implementation of all necessary steps to realise the high potential of solar heat. With around 50 members in Europe, Solar Heat Europe represents directly or indirectly over 90% of the industry, across the value chain. Solar Heat Europe also ensures that solar heat technology develop and grow in Europe through different actions such as providing information and statistics on the sector or by advocating for better regulation or encouraging the EU policy makers to shape a favourable environment for heating and cooling technology.

Contact: Geoffroy Cazenave, Communications Manager,, +32 2 318 40 56

German Solar Association


The German Solar Industry Association represents 800 companies in the German solar business. In the Project LabelPack A+, BSW-Solar heads the communication activities.


Contact: Jan Knaack, Senior Project Manager, , +49 30 29777 88 37



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