Press Releases EU-Western Balkans Summit: Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell upon arrival

EU-Western Balkans Summit: Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell upon arrival

In this meeting we have to give a credible [signal on the] continuation to the enlargement process, but this is a two-ways street. On the one hand, the candidates have to continue on the reforms and have to put aside their differences. On our side, the European Union Member States and institutions have to deliver on their commitments.

We are going to talk also specially about the security and foreign affairs issues. We have to align our foreign policy, because in order to face common challenges, we need more coordination.

On Serbia and Kosovo, I am happy to see that in the last days we have overcome some difficulties in the border, in the North of Kosovo, and now we have to continue the Dialogue process in order to solve the problems among candidate countries.

On the way to Europe, the enlargement requires to put aside their differences and continue with the reforms. But we have to give a credible continuation to the enlargement process.

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