European pillar of social rights – Schmit has to deliver
“The Commissioner-designate for Jobs, Nicolas Schmit, performed today in a committed and rather competent way. If his position is confirmed, I am sure that we, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, will work well and closely together with him. However, he must then deliver on the promises made today”, said Dennis Radtke MEP, EPP Group Spokesman on Employment and Social Affairs, after Nicolas Schmit’s hearing in the European Parliament.
“Strengthening the European pillar of social rights must be at the forefront over the next five years. It is here that the EU can once again create the famous added value that European citizens experience every day, namely at their workplace and in their wallets”, Radtke added.
“We made it very clear during the hearing: social dialogue is one of the foundations of our democratic society and the free market economy. We must strengthen the social partnerships in all Member States and bring them to a comparable level. Then we don’t even need a political minimum wage.”
“We must ensure that even workers in atypical forms of employment have the opportunity to join trade unions and make their voices heard. Nicolas Schmit must make this happen”, Radtke concluded.