Press Releases Heinrich Böll Foundation: Transformative Political Approaches to the Crisis – A joint call to action by international economists and organisations

Heinrich Böll Foundation: Transformative Political Approaches to the Crisis – A joint call to action by international economists and organisations

The Project

By a joint call to action of international economists and organisations for new, resilience-based political approaches to tackle the climate, public health and financial crisis, the citizens’ movement Finanzwende (Finance Watch Germany) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have officially launched the network and research project “Transformative Responses to the Crisis“.

In the call to action, the organisations and economists argue for targeted strategies to reduce the massive risks of the climate, public health and financial crisis: these include a faster and more consistently implemented energy transition, so as to achieve the Paris climate objectives, preparedness for new pandemic scenarios, massive investments in and equal access to public healthcare structures, a transformation in agriculture and food security, a tougher risk regulation of the financial markets, an effective financial transactions tax and a reorientation of the financial system towards climate and sustainability objectives. Join the call to action here.

The Launch

Launching the project, Gerhard Schick, President of Finance Watch Germany, said: “climate disaster, financial crash and pandemic – we are living in a state of constant crises. However, whether shocks such as a novel virus or a financial bubble turn into economic and social crises depends on our decisions”.

Barbara Unmüßig, President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, said: “The global coronavirus pandemic has cruelly exposed how vulnerable our societies are. We are unprepared for sudden shocks. Crises are times when decisions have to be made. In order to tackle them we need radical change. The project Transformative Responses aims to contribute smart suggestions for a socio-ecological transformation to a fair, sustainable and resilient economy”.

The cumulative crises can only be brought under control through much bolder political approaches and a raft of more targeted financing packages. Sufficient financial resources for these massive challenges can be found in a fair system of burden-sharing, in areas in which they are currently causing instability and feeding imminent crisis – for instance a general financial transactions tax.

The EU must now show the necessary solidarity and responsibility, promote and approve a substantial EU Recovery Fund and drive forward the socio-ecological transformation through the European Green Deal, especially by an investment offensive in renewable energies, energy efficiency and CO2-free mobility. The French-German proposal for an EU Recovery Fund finally is a step in the right direction. However, a lot of questions remain open as there still are political forces lobbying against a common, effective and long-term response embedded in a deepened European institutional framework.

The Mission

The mission of the project “Transformative Responses to the Crisis” of Financial Watch Germany and the Heinrich Böll Foundation is to work within an international network of organisations and scientists over several years to develop transformative answers to the current crisis, under an approach that integrates the financial markets, ecology and inequality. Research into and debates on the three areas of crisis should be brought together and focused, so as to connect players in these fields and generate joint impetus and progress towards the socio-ecological transformation.

The concrete projects and suggestions will be submitted to both political decision-makers and the general public and promoted in collaboration with other civil-society organisations in their political implementation.

Within the framework of the project, a conference entitled “The corona economic shock, the short-term urgency and long-term prospects” has already been organised, in cooperation with the New Economy Forum. News and conferences are available here.

Transformative Responses” also enjoys the support of the Hans Böckler Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, the Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme and the Partners for a new Economy.

For the latest information on new publications and upcoming events in the framework of the project, please visit the “Transformative Responses to the Crisis” website, where you can also subscribe to the project newsletter.


Press Officer
Michael Alvarez Kalverkamp
F: +49 (0)30 285 34-202,
M: +49 (0)160 365 77 22

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