Press Releases Hydrogen Europe: Agreement reached on AFIR

Hydrogen Europe: Agreement reached on AFIR

Brussels, 28th March 2023

Agreement reached on AFIR

Late last night (27th March), EU institutions reached a deal on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR), the key piece of legislation for Europe’s nascent hydrogen-powered road transport sector.

Article 6 of the regulation will mandate the construction of one gaseous hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) every 200 km on the TEN-T core network by the end of 2030, as well as one HRS in every urban node. The stations will have a daily supply capacity of one ton of hydrogen for all modes of road transport. Member States must prepare an HRS deployment plan by 2027 that will satisfy the needs of hydrogen powered road mobility.

We are happy to see a timely conclusion on this piece of legislation, 21 months after the proposal was tabled, despite it falling short of what we believe are the minimal industry needs,” said Darko Levicar, Director of Mobility at Hydrogen Europe.

European member states must establish a dense network of hydrogen refuelling and battery recharging infrastructure, and we believe that by the foreseen AFIR revision in 2026 there will be enough hydrogen cars, vans, buses and trucks on the roads to justify an increase in targets,” he added.

Despite not meeting industry demands, the agreement is a satisfactory starting point that also lays the foundations for the use of hydrogen in maritime, aviation and rail transport. Hydrogen Europe expects the regulation to be improved upon revision in 2026 and include the coverage of the comprehensive network, as this is the only way to ensure an undisrupted, EU-wide hydrogen road transport network.

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Hydrogen Europe is the European association representing the interest of the hydrogen industry and its stakeholders and promoting hydrogen as an enabler of a zero-emission society. With more than 400+ members, including 25+ EU regions and 30+ national associations, we encompass the entire value chain of the European hydrogen and fuel cell ecosystem. Our vision is to propel global carbon neutrality by accelerating European hydrogen industry.


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