Press Releases “Information Resistance” with IAPC Freedom of Speech Award 2024

“Information Resistance” with IAPC Freedom of Speech Award 2024

Members of the International Association of Press Clubs – representatives of dozens of press clubs and foreign correspondents’ clubs from around the world – honored the IAPC Freedom of Speech Award 2024 for “Information Resistance” (“Iнформацiйний спротив”) from Ukraine in recognition of countering threats that have arisen in Ukraine, Europe and the world as a result of long-term disinformation conducted by Russia.

“Information Resistance”, founded 10 years ago (2014), is a Ukrainian non-governmental project whose main task is to counteract external threats in the information field in Ukraine in the areas of military, economic, energy and information security. Freedom of speech is also an obligation of those who exercise this freedom. Thanks to “Information Resistance”, space of free speech is less threatened, less infected, and therefore safer and more durable.

The Freedom of Speech Award is presented by the IAPC to persons or organizations for their exceptional contributions to the fight for or in defense of free speech, or creating conditions and supporting efforts promoting freedom of speech. The winner is selected by all the IAPC member press clubs, from over 30 countries.

The laureates of the award in previous years are: Andrzej Poczobut, Belarus and Mortaza Behboudi, France (2023), Cheng Lei, Australia (2022), Yuliya Slutskaya, Belarus (2021), The Washington Post and Fred Ryan, United States (2019), The Guardian, United Kingdom (2018), Independent Turkish journalists (2017), Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, Australia and Egypt (2015), Aleksey Simonov, Russia (2014) and Reporters Without Borders, France (2013).

The International Association of Press Clubs (IAPC) was formed in 2002 to uphold the ethics of journalism and free access and distribution of information worldwide. Over 50 member Press Clubs and Foreign Correspondents’ Clubs are from Europe, North America, the Far and Middle East, Asia, Africa and Australia. The IAPC also supports thousands of press club members in their work as journalists, both in their own countries and as foreign correspondents. The Association supports numerous organizations active in defense of free speech, media workers’ rights and the maintenance of high ethical standards.

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