Press Releases Latin America: HR/VP Borrell travels to Chile and Panama

Latin America: HR/VP Borrell travels to Chile and Panama

High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell will travel to Latin America this week, starting with Chile on 27 April. His mission will allow for important bilateral and regional outreach with leaders in Chile, Panama, Central America and the Caribbean, including in view of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its consequences.

Chile is a key partner of the EU. A prompt completion of the modernisation of the Association Agreement will bring the EU – Chile partnership to the next level. The High Representative will during his visit address with the Chilean authorities the next steps in this regard and explore further avenues to strengthen bilateral relations and advance cooperation. This will include fair tradeand energy, promote new standards in sustainable development and gender equality.

The HR/VP is due to meet with the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonia Urrejola. He will hold a press conference with President Boric on Wednesday, at around 19:00 CET. He also plans to hold meetings with the Minister of Interior and Public Security, Izkia Siches, with the Minister of Defence Maya Fernández, and the Minister of the Presidency’s General Secretariat, Giorgio Jackson. He will also hold meetings with other leaders, including former President Ricardo Lagos. Whilst in Chile, the HR/VP will inaugurate the new offices of the EU Delegation in Chile and hold a press conference on Thursday, at 17:30 CET. He will also participate in an event organised with Euroclima and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC) on climate action on Wednesday, at 16:00 CET, and in a conference on the theme ‘La Unión Europea frente a las crisis internacionalesat the University of Chile on Thursday, at 23:00 CET. The HR/VP will also visit the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Antofagasta and the solar power plant Cerro Dominador with the Minister of Energy, Claudio Huepe.

On Sunday, 1 May, the HR/VP will travel to Panama, to boost ties with an important partner for the EU in Central America in the areas of trade, economic development and political relations. On 2 May, he will meet with the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, as well as with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Erika Mouynes, and the Minister of Public Security, Juan Manuel Pino. On 3 May, he will participate in a joint ministerial meeting of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Central American Integration System (SICA) countries, and will hold separate meetings with both SICA and CARICOM Foreign Ministers, as well as other bilateral meetings in the margins.

Audiovisual coverage of the visit can be found on EBS. Follow also @JosepBorrellF, @eu_eeas, @UEenChile and @PanamaUE for further information and updates.

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