Press Releases Make Climate justice top of the agenda, says IFJ to mark week of action

Make Climate justice top of the agenda, says IFJ to mark week of action

Make Climate justice top of the agenda, says IFJ to mark week of action

Brussels 20 September 2019- The IFJ has joined tens of millions of trade unionists and climate activists around the world in urging world leaders to put climate justice at the top of their agenda as global actions kick off across the globe to mark Climate action week on 20-27 September.

As workers and activists plan a week of actions ahead of the UN summit on climate change on 23 september, the IFJ  and its affiliates are demanding climate justice by challenging the economic order to make it a better world for all citizens.

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: “Journalists have a key role to play in telling the truth about climate change. As unions we also need to remind world leaders that only climate justice can ensure a just transition and a sustainable future for everyone. We cannot rely on hypothetical promises, we need world governments to adopt and respect a proper plan of action. Now.”

To mark the world week of climate action, the IFJ encourages its affiliates to:

– put pressure on politicians to adopt concrete economic policies that put the public interest first

– reflect and adopt internal policies and editorial guidelines to tackle climate change and tell the truth

– demand that companies take urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions

– start a conversation with media employers about their plans to climate-proof jobs and working environment as well as editorial lines that aim at telling the truth about climate change.

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