Press Releases Malaysia: Statement by the Spokesperson on new steps towards the abolition of the death penalty

Malaysia: Statement by the Spokesperson on new steps towards the abolition of the death penalty

The European Union commends Malaysia for passing the Abolition of the Mandatory Death Penalty Bill 2023 and Revision of Sentence of Death and Imprisonment for Natural Life (Temporary Jurisdiction of the Federal Court) Bill 2023. These significantly reduce the scope of the offences for which the death penalty may be imposed and give judges discretion in sentencing.

The European Union welcomes this important step towards the complete abolition of capital punishment.

The European Union stands ready to support Malaysia in its efforts to completely abolish the death penalty.

As a matter of principle, the European Union strongly opposes the death penalty at all times and in all circumstances. The death penalty violates the inalienable right to life and is a cruel, inhuman punishment, which represents an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity and fails to act as a deterrent to crime. 

The European Union will continue to work for the abolition of the death penalty in the few remaining countries that still apply it.

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