Press Releases MEDIA ADVISORY | September 11 Briefing with Nathan A. Sales, Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Marshall Billingslea, U.S. Department of the Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing.

MEDIA ADVISORY | September 11 Briefing with Nathan A. Sales, Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Marshall Billingslea, U.S. Department of the Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing.

MEDIA ADVISORY | September 11 Briefing with Nathan A. Sales, Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Marshall Billingslea, U.S. Department of the Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing


Please join us on Wednesday, September 11, for a telephonic press briefing with Nathan A. Sales, Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and Marshall Billingslea, U.S. Department of the Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing on new measures to counter the threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters.

The U.S. Department of State is an active participant in the whole-of-government effort to counter terrorism abroad and to secure the United States against foreign terrorist threats. Working with the National Security Staff and other U.S. Government agencies, the Department of State develops and implements counterterrorism strategies, policies, and operations. Most recently, the United States took the lead in crafting a new set of tools to address the evolving terrorist threat, including critical measures to address returning foreign fighters and self-directed terrorists.


Date: Wednesday, September 11

Time: 07:30 EDT (Washington) | 13:30 CEST (Brussels) | 15:30 GST (Dubai)

Language: English

Ground Rules: On the Record

Dial-in Info: To be provided upon RSVP

RSVP: Please RSVP by clicking:


  • Callers should dial in to the conference call 10 minutes early.
  • The operator will ask for your name, press affiliation, and location.
  • The speakers will give brief opening remarks, and then the moderator will open the floor to questions.
  • Participants will be instructed to push the “*” and “1” buttons on their phones to enter the question queue. You may also submit questions in advance via email to
  • If you experience technical difficulties during the call, you may email TheBrusselsHub@state.govto alert the moderator to any issues.

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