Evening reception at the European Parliament: 22 May 2018 – 18:30-20:30
MEPs Julie Girling and James Nicholson
In collaboration with AnimalhealthEurope, NOAH and APHA
Invite you to an evening reception
‘Safeguarding animal health and welfare: a priority for the future UK-EU relationship’
22 May 2018 – 18:30-20:30
European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels – Room ASP 0 G
Animal diseases have no borders.
To preserve the health and welfare of both livestock and pets, the EU and the UK must remain engaged to continue their cooperation in the field of transboundary diseases and ensure that animal medicines remain available for all animals across Europe.
MEPs Julie Girling and James Nicholson in collaboration with AnimalhealthEurope, the UK National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) and the Irish Animal and Plant Health Association (APHA) would like to invite you to an evening reception on ‘Safeguarding animal health and welfare: a priority for the future UK-EU relationship’. This event aims to gather different stakeholders to discuss the impact of Brexit on animal health and welfare across Europe (UK and the EU 27).
Please click here to register to the event.
For further information, please contact
Please note that if you need a badge for the European Parliament, you must register before 15 May 2018.
Kind regards,
Clare Carlisle
PR Manager
AnimalhealthEurope a.i.s.b.l.
Avenue de Tervueren 168, box 8
1150 Brussels, Belgium
T : +32 2 543 75 88
M :+32 474 388 711
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