Press Releases S&Ds Times – Weekly Update. This Week’s Highlights And What’s Coming Up

S&Ds Times – Weekly Update. This Week’s Highlights And What’s Coming Up

S&Ds Times – Weekly Update. This Week’s Highlights And What’s Coming Up


S&D Group President Iratxe García Pérez will have a packed week, first in Ravenna, Italy taking part in a debate during the ‘festa nazionale dell’unita’, before heading to Berlin to join colleagues from the SPD for the opening of the new parliamentary year, before finnishing in Helsinki for a special Conference of Presidents organised by the current holders of the rotating Presidency of the EU.


S&D MEPs will follow the latest political developments in Rome, with the formation of a new government, and London with urgent parliamentary debates on Brexit taking place.


Meanwhile, members return to Brussels this week for the start of what promises to be an extremely busy few months. The final composition of Parliamentary committees will be confirmed with the election of the remaining vice-chairs in the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and Constitutional Affairs committees.


One of the main stories of the week will be the hearing in the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee with Christine Lagarde, the candidate to become the next President of the European Central Bank (ECB). The hearing will take place on Wednesday 4 September and will be followed by a vote on her appointment at 18.00. The Committee will also hold a hearing with the chair of the supervisory board of the ECB and will appoint a new vice-chair to the board.


Ministers representing the Finnish Presidency of the EU will present their priorities to a range of different committees. While, committees will also vote EU budget for 2020.


On Thursday, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will also hold an exchange of views with Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission, on strengthening the rule of law within the Union, a key priority for the S&D Group.



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