Press Releases Sudan: Statement by the High Representative Josep Borrell on the peace agreement

Sudan: Statement by the High Representative Josep Borrell on the peace agreement

The peace agreement initialled today between the civilian-led Transitional Government of Sudan and the Sudan Revolutionary Front signifies an important milestone for the ongoing democratic and economic transition of Sudan.

Mediated with the help of neighbouring South Sudan, the agreement paves the way towards the establishment of a lasting peace in Sudan.

Only an agreement implemented in good faith and in the spirit of cooperation can live up to the needs and expectations of the Sudanese people for a better life in peace and stability.

On this occasion, the EU calls upon Sudan People’s Liberation Movement–North-Abdalaziz Al-Hilu and the Sudan Liberation Movement-Abdul Wahid Al-Nur to join the peace efforts for the benefit of the local communities who deserve to benefit from the changes underway in Sudan. This is the time for all Sudanese stakeholders to set aside their differences and to look for the greater good of the country and of all Sudanese.

The EU remains committed to supporting the historic Sudanese transition

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