Press Releases TEPPFA Forum 2018 discloses final programme

TEPPFA Forum 2018 discloses final programme

Press Release _ Brussels, 23 March 2018

TEPPFA Forum 2018 discloses final programme

Climate Resilience – Resource efficiency – Sustainable Building

TEPPFA, the leading European voice of the plastic pipe and fittings manufacturers discloses today its final programme for the TEPPFA Forum 2018 at Sofitel Brussels Europe on 10 April.

The renown biennial TEPPFA Forum aims at connecting European policymakers with leading industry stakeholders all through the plastic pipe value chain to discuss selected topics that might impact the plastic pipes and fittings sector in the EU.

The TEPPFA Forum 2018 is part of TEPPFA’s communication campaign “Discover:Plastics. Performance, Strength, Longevitiy and Flexibility” ( The campaign was launched mid- September to promote the benefits of plastic pipes throughout Europe.

This year’s forum is addressing 3 society megatrends linked with TEPPFA member solutions

– Climate Resilience in Urban Infrastructure: the role of stormwater management

– Resource efficiency (Drinking Water): UN SDG Goals 6: Clean water and sanitation: Importance of maintenance of drinking water and waste water assets. How to finance

– Sustainable Building. Challenges and opportunities

An impressive line-up of speakers from all over Europe have been selected for you, both as chair, keynotes and panel debaters.

They include:

– Dr. Paul Toyne, Conference Chair

– Max Linsen, DG Climate Action

– Dr. Ing Robert Stein: Stein & Partner

– Volker Meyer: EDW (European Drinking Water)

– James Drinkwater: World Green Building Council

– Josefina Lindblom: DG Environment

– Jason Shingleton: Polypipe

– Arne Gustav Hageland: Marthinsen & Duvholt (Skanska)

– DSc Pekka Pietilä: Tampere University

– Juan Bofill Maestre: European Investment Bank

– Monica de la Cruz: Asetub

– Lisa Damen: VITO

– Timoteo de la Fuente: DG Grow

– Ton van der Giesen: Van Werven

– Geert Decock: EHI (European Heating Industry)

Don’t forget to register: TEPPFA Forum 2018 and find more details on the topics and the messages that will be debated by our speakers.

Ludo Debever, TEPPFA General Manager, comments: “We are delighted about the high level of speakers that responded positively to our invitation to free themselves for a day in Brussels, at the heart of Europe to share with you their ideas and projects linked with 3 of the most important megatrends today. Climate Resilience – Resource efficiency (Drinking water) – Sustainable building. Our members offer solutions to support and help mitigating the impact of these trends on our planet and living comfort. We are looking forward to very lively debates. I can highly recommend you to participate”




TEPPFA is The European Plastic Pipe and Fittings Association founded in 1991 with headquarters in Brussels.

TEPPFA 10 multinational company members and 14 national associations across Europe represent 350 companies that manufacture plastic pipes and fittings. TEPPFA members have an annual production volume of 3 million tonnes directly employing 40,000 people with € 12 billion combined annual sales. TEPPFA positions itself as plastic material neutral.

Its final products are subdivided into 3 application groups:1. Building & Construction (Hot & cold water supply, central heating, waste water discharge and rainwater drainage) 2. Civil Engineering (Below ground pipe systems for sewers, stormwater management, sub soil drainage and cable ducting 3. Utilities (Pressure pipe systems for distribution of drinking water and gas)

More info: TEPPFA aisbl, Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, BE1000 Brussels

Press contact: Ludo Debever, General Manager T:+32488920145/+3227362406; E: /

Our mailing address is:

TEPPFA aisbl

Avenue de Cortenbergh 71

Brussels 1000



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