For the first time in the history of the Kyiv Investment Forum, it will take place in the heart of Europe, the beautiful city of Brussels. Philippe Close, Mayor of the city of Brussels, and Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv, will host the 7th Kyiv Investment Forum: Greater Kyiv. Resilience. Innovation. Sustainability on 28 November 2022 in Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles, Grand Place.
This year the Forum will focus its discussion on the resilience of Kyiv in light of the horrific war started by the Russian attacks. It will focus on the ways of rebuilding and strengthening the Kyiv metropolitan area in line with digitization, technological solutions and social economic integration that contributes to the broader public good, faster restoration of Ukraine, sustainable and equitable economic system for further EU integration. The topics of social and technological economic recovery of Ukraine and its capital region will be discussed at an event of such magnitude for the first time.
Top European and Ukrainian government officials, most prominent representatives of public and private sectors will meet to discuss the challenges Kyiv is facing at the moment as well as its post-war recovery within three key areas: resilience, innovation and sustainability.
The Forum will unite global financial institutions and private investors to work on efficient multi-sector investment tools to deal with the consequences of the war and develop a plan for recovery and modernization of Kyiv metropolia.
“I am certain that Kyiv and the capital agglomeration have a unique chance for a big step forward — in modernization, development, in creating comfortable conditions for life, work, and learning opportunities of the residents of communities. We need investments and innovation. Together with our partners we must prepare a recovery plan today.” said Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv.
“This is a very difficult time for Ukraine. We should stay together to help our friends in need while they are heroically fighting for their right to exist. There is only one collective response to support Ukraine for as long as it takes. The city of Brussels accepted this unprecedented challenge among the first ones in February 2022 and we will continue to provide help by all means possible to strengthen Ukrainian cities and to make them more resilient.” commented Philippe Close, Mayor of Brussels.
For more details, please visit Forum’s website: