Press Releases UK: Statement by the Spokesperson on recent malicious cyber activities

UK: Statement by the Spokesperson on recent malicious cyber activities

The European Union expresses its solidarity with the United Kingdom on the impact of malicious cyber activities against their democratic processes.

We continue to monitor and address malicious cyber activities against our societies, democracies and economies, and stand ready to take further action when necessary.

Ahead of the European and national elections, we are providing recommendations and guidance to public and private sector organisations in the EU to raise awareness about these cyber threats and enhance EU cyber resilience.

The EU and Member States remain strongly committed to the adherence to the UN framework of responsible State behaviour in cyberspace as endorsed by all UN Member States.

All States must adhere to these norms and not allow their territory to be used for malicious cyber activities, as called for in bilateral exchanges as well as in multiple EU Statements, including the 2021 Declaration urging Chinese authorities to take action against malicious cyber activities undertaken from its territory.

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