Press Releases Welcome recognition of importance of animal health in Council Recommendation on combatting AMR

Welcome recognition of importance of animal health in Council Recommendation on combatting AMR

Brussels, 13 June 2023; AnimalhealthEurope welcomes the recognition of the importance of protecting animal health as outlined in the Council Recommendation to combat antimicrobial resistance approved today: ‘17) …Ensuring a high level of animal health and welfare leads to improved resilience in animals, making them less vulnerable to diseases, which helps decrease antimicrobial use.’

The animal health industry is already engaged for more than a decade in some of the measures identified to combat AMR such as:

  • improving the health and welfare of food-producing animals to decrease the spread of infectious diseases in farming;
  • raising awareness among professionals working in the veterinary sector, including training for health professionals and communication campaigns.

Such concerted actions have already made headway towards the target set in the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, and confirmed in these Recommendations, of a 50% reduction in overall EU sales of antimicrobials used for farm animals and aquaculture.

As the latest ESVAC report from the European Medicines Agency confirmed in November 2023, sales for the 27 EU Member States have reduced by 18.3% between 2018-2021, achieving approximately one third of the final 50% reduction target for 2030.

Commenting on the Council adoption of the Recommendation, Roxane Feller AnimalhealthEurope Secretary General said,
Every sector must play its part in the fight against AMR. The setting of clear measures for all sectors involved serves to support efforts to continue raising awareness, increase preventive measures, and ultimately improve both human and animal health. AMR can only be managed and addressed effectively through a One Health approach that works across human health, animal health and environmental disciplines.”

Notes for editors:

  • Read more on the animal sector’s efforts in our report: Trends in Animal Antibiotic Use – Europe
  • AnimalhealthEurope represents 12 of Europe’s leading manufacturers of animal medicines and 16 national associations in 19 countries, covering 90% of the European Market.
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