Event Press Conference on Kurdish Diaspora’s Vision for a Secular and Federal Syria

Press Conference on Kurdish Diaspora’s Vision for a Secular and Federal Syria

Date(s) - 12/02/2025
15:00 - 17:00

Press Club Brussels Europe


Press Conference on Kurdish Diaspora’s Vision

for a Secular and Federal Syria

Dear Members of the Press,

We are pleased to invite you to an important press conference on Wednesday, 12 February 2025, from 15:00 to 17:00, where representatives of Kurdish diaspora organizations will present their collective stance on the future of Syria.

A significant number of Kurdish diaspora organizations strongly back the demand for a secular and federal Syria as the only viable solution for lasting peace, stability, and democracy in the region. This press conference will outline the rationale behind this position and discuss the necessary steps to achieve it.

Event Details:
Date: 12 February 2025
Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Venue: Press Club Brussels

Key representatives from Kurdish diaspora organizations, political analysts, and human rights advocates will be present to share insights and answer media questions.

  • Karine Rashidova, President of the Federation of Kurds in Belgium.
  • Faisa Younes is the President of the Coordination Council for the Kurdish Diaspora – She is a leading voice in the Kurdish diaspora, advocating for the rights and political representation of Kurds in Syria and beyond.
  • Xunav Haco is the President of the Federation of Kurdish Women in Germany – She is a prominent activist and defender of women’s rights, working to ensure that gender equality remains a core principle in The Kurdish-led governance model.
  • Hosheng Osi is a famous Kurdish writer, poet, and journalist – He is a respected intellectual and commentator on Kurdish affairs, human rights, and Middle Eastern politics. His insights provide a historical and cultural perspective on the Kurdish struggle.
  • Leylan Mela is the Speaker of the Kurdish Community in Germany

We highly encourage your attendance and coverage of this critical discussion. To confirm your participation or for further inquiries, please contact us at federalism4syria@gmail.com .


Dear Secretary-General António Guterres,
Dear President Donald J. Trump,
Dear President António Costa,
Dear President Ursula von der Leyen,

We, members of the Kurdish civil society in the diaspora, stand before you with a message of both gratitude and deep concern. Over the past decade, the Kurdish people have stood on the frontlines in the battle against one of humanity’s greatest threats, the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). Our people have sacrificed over 11,000 lives to safeguard not only our region but also the values of freedom and democracy cherished worldwide.

Gratitude for International Support

We are sincerely thankful for the steadfast support of the United States, the European Union, Canada, and the United Nations, which was instrumental in defeating ISIS. This partnership has been vital in securing relative stability in a region ravaged by conflict. Together, we achieved what many deemed impossible: pushing back extremism and paving the way for hope.

However, this fragile stability is now at risk. The absence of a lasting political resolution in Syria threatens to unravel these hard-fought gains. Without decisive action, the sacrifices made to defeat ISIS will lose their meaning, and the region risks descending into chaos once more.

The Need for a Secular and Democratic Syria

We urge the international community to prioritize the establishment of a new, inclusive, and secular constitution for Syria. Such a constitution must guarantee the equal rights of all ethnic and religious communities, including Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Armenians, Turkmen, Alawis, Druze, Ismailis, and religious minorities such as Muslims, Christians, and Yazidis. It must reflect the secular values that a majority of Syrians and Kurds embrace, ensuring fair representation and cultural autonomy for all.

The regions under Kurdish administration have proven to be a beacon of hope, demonstrating thatcoexistence and inclusivity are possible in a war-torn country. Yet these achievements are now under threat from internal and external forces. The future of Syria depends on preserving these gains and expanding this model of governance.

Federalism: A Path to Stability

We believe that a decentralized, federal structure is the most viable solution for Syria. Federalism allows regions to manage their own affairs while preserving the territorial integrity of the nation. This approach fosters cooperation, stability, and prosperity, not just for Syria but for the broader Middle East. A federal Syria would offer a roadmap to peace and shared governance, giving a voice to communities long silenced by centralist policies.

Turkey’s Aggression and the Risk of Destabilization

We must also address Turkey’s ongoing military aggression against Kurdish populations in northern Syria. These actions undermine regional stability, displace thousands of civilians, and fuel further humanitarian crises. The international community cannot remain silent while a NATO member engages in actions that violate human rights and international law.We call on the United Nations, the European Union, and allied nations to hold Turkey accountable for its actions and to demand an immediate cessation of military hostilities. The protection of civilians must be prioritized, and mechanisms must be established to prevent further aggression.

A Call to Action for a Democratic Syria

The Kurdish people remain steadfast in their commitment to peace, coexistence, and human rights. We envision a Syria that is pluralistic, democratic, and federal—a nation that respects the dignity of all its citizens and builds bridges across its diverse communities.We urge the international community to support this vision, not just for the Kurds but for all Syrians.

The sacrifices made in the fight against ISIS deserve to lead to a brighter, more inclusive future. Let us work together to ensure that the next chapter in Syria’s history is one of peace, equality, and hope.

List of supporting organizations in alphabetical order

1. Act for Afrin Organisation
2. Afrin Gemeinde Deutschland
3. Akademie für Interkulturelles Miteinander Deutschland
4. ASK Association
5. Association of Goryachy Klyuch Kurds “Ahmed Khani” in Russia
6. Ax TV
7. Ban – Bizava Aştiya Navxweyî
8. Berbang – Union of Kurds in Kazakhstan
9. Cûdî TV
10. Deutsch Internationale Organisation Für Entwicklung und Frieden
11. Deutsch-Kurdische Frauen Union
12. Deutsch-Kurdische Gesellschaft Gießen
13. Diakurd-Kurdish Diaspora Confederation
14. Encumena Hemahengî – Coordination Council for the Kurdish Diaspora
15. European and American Solidarity Committee for Afrin
16. EVA DORTMUND Association Germany
17. ÊVAR Association Germany
18. Farah-Interkulturelle Jugend- und Familienhilfe
19. Federation of Kurdish Women in Europe
20. Federation of Kurds in Belgium
21. Federation of Kurds in Switzerland
22. Free Kurdish Women’s Organization
23. Human Rights Association
24. Human Rights Organization in Syria– MAF
25. Intercultural Assistance Academy
26. International Federation of Kurdish Communities (Kurds of the former Soviet Union)
27. International Institute of Thought and Social Sciences
28. Jiyan-Internationale Initiative gegen Gewalt an kurdischen Frauen
29. KIFA-Kurdisch-Israel Association International
30. KOMJIN-Verband der Frauen aus Kurdistan
31. KOMKAR -Verband der Vereine aus Kurdistan in Deutschland
32. Kurdische Frauen Union Köln
33. Kurdische Gemeinde Deutschland
34. Kurdische Gemeinde Fulda
35. Kurdische Gemeinde Hamburg
36. Kurdische Gemeinde Hamm
37. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Barden Württemberg
38. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Bayern
39. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Berlin
40. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Bremen
41. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Hamburg
42. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Hessen
43. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Niedersachsen
44. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband NRW
45. Kurdische Gemeinde Landesverband Saarland
46. Kurdische Gemeinde Leverkusen
47. Kurdische Gemeinde München
48. Kurdische Gemeinde Oberhausen
49. Kurdische Gemeinde Rhein-Main
50. Kurdische Gemeinde Schweinfurt
51. Kurdische Gemeinde Siegen
52. Kurdische Gemeinschaft Herne (ASO)
53. Kurdische Gemeinschaft Rhein-Sieg/Bonn
54. Kurdische Jugend Bochum
55. Kurdischer Kulturverein Hamm in Deutschland
56. Kurdischer Verein für Kultur und Integration in Linz
57. Kurdisches Zentrum Aachen, Deutschland
58. Kurdish and Russian Friendship in Russia
59. Kurdish Civil Society in Europe
60. Kurdish Cultural Society “Kaskasor” in Russia
61. Kurdish Culture Development Foundation in Kazakhstan
62. Kurdish Exile Association (KEA) London
63. Kurdish Gilani Association
64. Kurdish Institute of the Caucasus
65. Kurdish National Culture Autonomy in Russia
66. Kurdish Women’s Federation
67. Kurdish-Dutch Friendship Association
68. Kurdish-European Society
69. Kurdish-European Society in Belgium
70. Kurdistan Diaspora Women’s Federation
71. Kurdistan Kultur og Natur Forening i Rogaland Norge
72. Kurdistan Pop Up Cinema -UK
73. Kurdistan Youth Network
74. Lebanese Charity Association
75. Mala Ezdaî Kalkar – Verein der Eziden am unteren Niederrhein
76. Median Empire MC
77. Mesopotamia Association
78. Mîdiya – Union of Kurds in Kyrgyzstan
79. MUT-Theater/Interkulturell
80. National Chess Association
81. National Coalition for the Reconstruction of Afrin
82. Netew TV
83. Rêbîn Organisation
84. Rengin- Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Kurdische Freundschaft
85. Rojava Conseil in France
86. Rojhilat Culture Association
87. Rojhilatnews agency
88. Ronahi für Vielfalt, Wertschätzung, Teilhabe
89. Ronahî, Federation of Kurds in Azerbaijan
90. Ronahî, Federation of Kurds in Georgia
91. Ronak-Soziokultureller Verein in Deutschland
92. Şervanos Group
93. Shana Association
94. Solidaritätsverein Syrischer Kurden
95. The Geostrategic Organisation of Kurdish Civil Society
96. UNA Kurd
97. Union der Kurdischen Schriftsteller und Journalisten aus Syrien
98. Vejin Group
99. Verein der Kurdischen Künstler
100. Verein Kurdischer Lehrer:innen in Deutschland
101. Welt Kurdische Organisation (WKO)
102. Xwebun Association
103. Zagros Association
104. Zaniyar TV
105. Zentralrat der Kurden in Deutschland

We look forward to welcoming you.

Best regards,

Initiative for a Federal Syria


