Press Releases EU to invest over €65 million to scale up innovative clean tech projects

EU to invest over €65 million to scale up innovative clean tech projects

The Commission has today selected 17 small-scale innovative clean tech projects to receive over €65 million in project support under the EU Innovation Fund. These funds will help companies in Europe, including small businesses, to bring breakthrough technologies to the market in energy-intensive industries, renewable energy, and energy storage. The selected projects cover a wide range of sectors, with a particular focus on manufacturing of components for renewable energy and glass, ceramics, and construction materials. There are also projects in the area of energy storage, solar energy, renewables, iron and steel, refineries, chemicals, cement and lime, and hydrogen.

The selected projects are expected to avoid over 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions within the first ten years of their operations, contributing to Europe’s decarbonisation and clean energy transition. With these new projects, the Innovation Fund expands its geographical reach to cover projects in a total of 24 countries, with Latvian and Hungarian projects receiving support for the first time.

The chosen projects are:

Energy-intensive industries: 8 projects receiving €32.6 million from the Innovation Fund

3 projects on glass, ceramics, and construction materials in Italy;

1 project in the refinery sector and 1 in cement and lime, both in Spain;

1 hydrogen project in Croatia;

1 project on iron and steel and 1 in the chemical sector, both in Italy.

Energy storage: 2 projects receiving €8.4 million from the Innovation Fund

1 in France for a multi-energy smart grid and 1 in Denmark on thermal energy storage.

Renewable energy: 7 projects receiving €24.4 million from the Innovation Fund

3 projects on manufacturing of components for renewables production in France, Hungary and Latvia;

2 solar energy projects in France and Greece;

2 projects on use of renewable energy for the maritime and flexoprinting industry – one in the Netherlands and a second one in multiple locations: Sweden, Finland, and Norway.

Each of the 17 projects will receive Innovation Fund grants ranging from €1.6 to €4.5 million, funded through revenues generated by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The exact grant amounts will be known once the grant agreement preparation process is completed. One third of the beneficiaries are small and medium-sized companies. In addition to the 17 selected projects, 4 other promising projects are being considered for project development assistance by the European Investment Bank, which can provide tailor-made support and help them to reach financial close and enter into operation.

In total, 72 proposals were submitted for the call, 48 of which were found eligible and admissible. The eligible projects were subject to a further evaluation by independent experts against the Innovation Fund’s five criteria: degree of innovation, potential for greenhouse gas avoidance, project maturity, scalability, and cost efficiency.


With an estimated revenue of €40 billion[1] from the EU Emissions Trading System between 2020 and 2030, the Innovation Fund aims to create financial incentives for companies and public authorities to invest in cutting-edge low-carbon and net zero technologies and support Europe’s transition to climate neutrality. The Innovation Fund has already awarded about €6.5 billion to more than 100 innovative projects through its previous calls for proposals.

Successful projects under this third small-scale call will now start preparing their individual grant agreements with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), the implementing agency of the Fund. These are expected to be finalised in the second quarter of 2024, allowing the Commission to adopt the corresponding grant award decision and start distributing the grants. This was the last call for small-scale proposals defined as projects with total investment costs up to €7.5 million.

On 23 November 2023, the Commission launched two new calls for projects. The first pilot auction under the European Hydrogen Bank, with a €800 million budget available for project developers in the EEA, and another call with a €4 billion budget available for net zero technologies in various sectors. This new call includes small-scale projects, but these are now defined as having total investment costs below €20 million.

For More Information

Project description of selected small-scale projects

Innovation Fund website

Innovation Fund Project Portfolio Dashboard

EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

Delivering the European Green Deal

[1] Calculated with a carbon price of €75 per tonne of CO2


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