Press Releases Press release on European Commission’s RepowerEU & Biomethane Injection into European Gas Grids

Press release on European Commission’s RepowerEU & Biomethane Injection into European Gas Grids

As part of the 2nd Forum of the Polish Biomethane Organization + Study Tour organised by the Polish Biomethane Organization with the support of the Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP) to highlight the status of biomethane development in the EU, the BIP is publishing today its reportOptimising the Cost of Biomethane Grid Injection”. Recognising the need to facilitate the efficient integration of biomethane into Europe’s gas grid, crucial for our transition to a sustainable energy system, this BIP publication provides a roadmap for optimising biomethane grid injection. The published report delves into the technical, regulatory, and economic pathways of integrating biomethane into Europe’s extensive gas network, which is vital for realising the 35 billion cubic meters biomethane target set forth by the REPowerEU Plan.


Energy security is one of the main focus areas for Europe amidst the continuing geopolitical tensions. Biomethane is uniquely placed as it carries a large sustainable energy potential for Europe, whilst at the same time all investments are fully placed within the European economy itself. The European Commission’s REPowerEU Plan announced in September 2022 the increase of the EU annual production of biomethane to 35 billion cubic meters by 2030. To implement this action plan, the BIP was established to support the achievement of the biomethane target, and in this way increase Europe’s energy security, reduce carbon emissions, adopt sustainable agriculture practices and promote the circular economy. The BIP promotes the active engagement between the European Commission, EU Member States, industry representatives, feedstock producers, academics and NGOs. It is made up of six specialised Task Forces that address the main barriers to increased sustainable biomethane production and use.

 Biomethane represents a homegrown sustainable energy solution, made possible by Europe’s own technology contributing to the growth of the European economy.

For further information about the BIP, please refer to the website.

Should you have any questions or require further details, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Kind regards,

Giulia Rossi
Project Development and Communications Consultant

BIP secretariat


T: +32 (0) 24 00 10 89
LinkedIn: Biomethane Industrial Partnership

Avenue des Nerviens 85 B-1040
Brussels, Belgium

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