On the 5th of July, EU-Asia Center organized a Panel discussion on “China – the Economy and the Environment”
One of the most important questions of our time concerns the future economic prospects of China. Every day the media has reports about Chinese debt, the stock market, the reform of state owned enterprises, the banking system, the renminbi exchange rate, excess capacity, etc.
The state of the Chinese economy is of vital importance for the EU as it is the second largest trading partner and a growing source of foreign investment. The One Belt, One Road initiative combines economic and environmental issues which again impact on the EU. A major decision on granting China market economy status is due in the coming months. The environment in China is another vital EU interest. Its use and imports of natural resources impacts many places across the world.
As one of the world’s biggest CO2 emitters China has a key role to play in combatting climate change.
Due to the hectic pace of industrialisation China also has enormous problems in dealing with the environmental damage of recent decades.
The health of many Chinese is affected by poor air and water quality.
The Party seems to have recognised the enormity of the problems and is pouring resources into green technology, often with the help of European industry.
with guest speakers
Panel One: China’s Economic Challenges and the impact on Europe
Toshiya Tsugami (ex Miti, Japan amd author of China’s Rise)
John Farnell (author of EU-China economic relations-forthcoming- and Senior Fellow, EU-Asia Centre)
Jacques Pelkmans (Senior Fellow, CEPS and author of Tomorrow’s Silk Road)
Rupert Willis( Advisor, DG Ecfin)
16.30 Panel Two: China’s Environmental Challenges and the impact on the EU
Isabel Hilton (China Dialogue)
Li Lin (WWF-China, Beijing)
Nick Hanley, Director, DG Environment
Susanna Mocker (Research Fellow, EU-Asia Centre)